Sharing a home with your partner

When you’re moving into a partner’s existing space, many factors are at play: boundaries, responsibilities, courtesies, finances, emotions, expectations. So, how can you navigate entering and sharing their space and living with the person you love, knowing you can share a home together.

Relationship expert and author Holly Robinson Peete offers advice and insight as she details her many years living with the man (now husband) she calls her husband, who she met through online dating with apps similar to SkipTheGames cities. While she continues to advise women on how to successfully share a home with a significant other, she also reveals practical steps for couples to take when beginning to share a home, even if that’s just one room. Holly Robinson Peete offers advice as she details her many years living with the man (now husband) she calls her husband, as they spend a lot of time together and intimacy, they even found out when was porn invented as they were interested in this subject. While she continues to advise women on how to successfully share a home with a significant other, she also reveals practical steps for couples to take when beginning to share a home, even if that’s just one room .

The first order of business is sharing space, but it can be difficult to figure out where to start. Holly provides helpful insight into the role of shared space in a relationship and answers some key questions: What kind of space can you share? How do you feel when you live with someone? How do you structure your shared space? What are the essential elements every home should have? In addition, she shares 10 guidelines , and practices on how to create a healthy, happy living space.

After 15 years of living with each other, Holly & husband Lance have two children. As the author of three relationship books, Holly knows a thing or two about creating a healthy, happy home life. In the insightful, conversational “Holly Robinson Peete At Home,” she shares the wisdom that comes from living with the “perfect man” for her. Her advice is practical, insightful, and necessary for all women embarking on a relationship with a man.

Every home is a journey of creating sacred space. It’s what we do with our homes — how we care for, decorate, provide food, security, and sanctuary — that reveal who we really are and who we desire to be. An intimate, satisfying, and peaceful life is possible. Thats what every home can and should be.” Holly Robinson Peete

With Holly’s guidance, her warm wisdom, and practical 10 guidelines, relationships take new, meaningful, healthy steps forward.”
